WELCOME to the GIA Community of Practice and Learning (CoP-L) on the use of tools and strategies to improve social-environmental governance and reduce threats from infrastructure development.

Who We Are

The University of Florida’s Tropical Conservation and Development Program is partnering with conservation and development practitioners from NGOs, community organizations, government and academia from four focal mosaics of the Amazon in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, and Peru.

GIA is a continuation of the collective learning process initiated with the 2017 Workshop
on Tools and Strategies for Conservation and Development in the Amazon:
Lessons Learned and Future Pathways.

Where We Work

GIA collaborates with networks of practitioners from NGOs, community organizations, government and academia in mosaics of protected areas and indigenous territories throughout the Amazon.

Knowledge Exchange

GIA facilitates networking, knowledge exchange, and research to strengthen the work of conservation and development practitioners related to governance of infrastructure projects, especially dams, roads, and waterways.

Get to know more about our activities and join us in our Community of Practice and Learning.

Credits Carolina Jordão Peru
Credits Carolina Jordão Bolivia
Credits Carolina Jordão Brazil
Credits Carolina Jordão Colombia

Upcoming Events

GIA organizes webinars, meetings and workshops to exchange experiences, reflect on lessons learned, and discuss future actions, both within and across Amazon regions.

February 22 and 24 Event – Voices From The Forest: Community-driven strategies and actions for biocultural conservation

On February 22 and February 24, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (EST/Bogota/Quito) / 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm (La Paz/Manaus) / 3:00 to 6:00 pm (Asuncion/Brasilia). The event will be online and consist of panels and discussions in Spanish and Portuguese and will be live-streamed on Youtube with simultaneous translation to English on Zoom. February…

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May 20, 2021 – Effectiveness of conservation strategies for infrastructure governance: a comparative analysis of case studies from 4 Amazonian countries

On May 20, 3:00 to 4:00 PM  (EST/LA PAZ) / 2:00 to 3:00 PM (LIM/BOG) / 4:00 to 5:00 PM (BRASILIA) Presentation of preliminary results of GIA’s comparative study on the effectiveness of social-environmental strategies in 4 specific cases in Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil and Peru. Critical insights about the position of the local communities, the strategies that were implemented  and their effectiveness, the influence of…

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May 13, 2021 – Intercultural Collaboration Strategies – A Cross-Mosaic Discussion

On May 13, 3:00 to 4:30 PM  (EST/LA PAZ) / 2:00 to 3:30 PM (LIM/BOG) / 4:00 to 5:30 PM (BRASILIA) This research investigated 3 different types of collaborative relationships between partners of the GIA Community of Practice and Learning in the Colombian Amazon. a) The long-standing relationship between the non-governmental organization ACT and the Inga del Caquetá…

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May 6, 2021 – Indigenous strategies and resistance to infrastructure projects: Cross-mosaic dialogue

On May 6, 3:00 to 4:30 PM  (EST/LA PAZ) / 2:00 to 3:30 PM (LIM/BOG) / 4:00 to 5:30 PM (BRASILIA) Indigenous co-researchers from Colombia (Killa Becerra, Nancy Mutumbajoy y James Rafael Becerra, leaders of Resguardo Inga Yunguillo) and Bolivia (Valentin Luna and Domingo Ocampo, leaders of Mancomunidad de Comunidades) will share the strategies they used to face specific infrastructure projects, how effective they were, and why.  …

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May 24, May 25, and May 27, 2021 – Final GIA Pan-Amazon Workshop Agenda

GIA Pan-Amazon Interactive Workshop: Experiences and reflections on strategies to improve infrastructure governance This workshop will bring together NGO, grassroot, academic and government GIA partners from the 4 GIA focal mosaics in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Peru.  Afternoon sessions on Monday and Tuesday will present and discuss findings and recommendations from GIA Working Groups on…

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April 30, 2021 – El Resguardo Inga de Yunguillo Frente a Proyectos de Vías: Estrategias de Resistencia y Lecciones Aprendidas

En este evento presentaremos y discutiremos resultados preliminares del estudio “Efectividad de estrategias socioambientales para la gobernanza en infraestructura” en Colombia. Este estudio se lleva a cabo en directa colaboración con co-investigadores indígenas del resguardo Inga de Yunguillo – Killa Becerra (ex-gobernadora), Nancy Mutumbajoy y James Rafael Becerra (profesores y líderes). Con ellas como las…

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GIA’s Upcoming Events (May 2021)

Case studies of strategies for infrastructure governance: perspectives and analyses by indigenous leaders from Colombia and Bolivia (Spanish with Portuguese translation) 05/06/2021 15hr – 16:30hr (EST)/(LA PAZ) 14hr – 15:30hr (LIM)/(BOG) 16hr – 17:30hr (BRASILIA) Register Here: Password: GIA21 — Practices for effective intercultural collaboration on socioenvironmental governance: indigenous, campesino and NGO perspectives (Spanish…

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April 15, 2021 – Estrategias de Comunicación para la Incidencia Política: Reflexión PanAmazónica

Objetivos del evento: Crear un espacio de diálogo y discusión en torno a las siguientes preguntas claves: ¿Cómo diseñar una estrategia de comunicación que conlleve a la acción y promueva cambios?, ¿Qué factores influyen en el éxito de una estrategia hacia incidencia política?, y ¿Qué factores limitan el éxito hacia incidencia política? En este evento:…

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December 3, 2020 – Communication Strategies for Political Advocacy in the Amazon

Communication Strategies for Political Advocacy in the Amazon The project Governance and Infrastructure in the Amazon (GIA; GIAMAZON.ORG) is analyzing the actions necessary to exercise political influence and influence the transparency of infrastructure planning. One type of action is to promote collaborative social learning in communities of practice. Communication strategies and techniques are a crucial…

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October 9, 2020 – Trochas, trampolines y elefantes blancos: Discursos y politicas de la infraestructura en la Amazonia Colombiana

Webinario GIA con Simon Uribe: Trochas, trampolines y elefantes blancos Trochas, trampolines y elefantes blancos: discursos y políticas de la infraestructura en la Amazonia colombiana La apertura de caminos, trochas y carreteras en la Amazonia colombiana ha sido fuente de dinámicas de violencia y conflictos socioambientales. En distintos momentos, estas infraestructuras han sido sinónimos de…

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