Newsletter #9 December

The Governance and Infrastructure in the Amazon Project is led by the University of Florida Tropical Conservation and Development Program and aims to create, strengthen and expand a Community of Practice and Learning (CoP-L) for exchanges of experiences and reflection on the use of tools and strategies for infrastructure governance by conservation and development practitioners…

Estrategias de Comunicación para la Incidencia Política en la Amazonia

Streamed: Existen dos visiones contrapuestas sobre la región amazónica. Por un lado, se reconoce la gran riqueza y diversidad biológica y cultural, como también un conocimiento ancestral enraizado en las perspectivas socioculturales de las comunidades. Por otro lado, la región ha sido vista como una fuente de crecimiento económico basado en la industria extractiva…

GIA’s Working Groups

Learn More About GIA’s Working Groups Group 1: Comparative analysis of cases with positive results Learn More Coordinator: Jazmin Gonzales Tovar – We are exploring one case related to each of our 4 mosaics that have had a positive impact on stopping or mitigating poorly planned infrastructure. How did exogenous factors make conservation strategies more or less…

Transdisciplinary Research on Governance and Infrastructure in the Upper Madera River Basin

Link to video recording: The event held in the city of Cobija on December 4, 2020, focused on the bachelor’s thesis defense of five (5) students from the Amazon University of Pando (UAP), Bolivia. The students gave a presentation on their thesis results carried out in the Alto Madera region, along with riverine communities…

Dialogue on Development of Amazonian Peoples Between Opportunities and Threats

Watch video recording in:  Español   Francés   Portugués   Inglés   “Development in the Bolivian Amazon, between opportunities and threats” by Vincent Vos Born in the Netherlands, he studied biology and specialized in tropical ecology. He worked in public and private institutions expanding his research area towards climate change, community…