Webinario Trochas, Trampolines Y Elefantes Blancos: Discursos Y Politicas De La Infraestructura En La Amazonia Colombiana

Simon Uribe, professor of the Urban Management and Development program at the Universidad del Rosario in Colombia, spoke about the practices and processes of state building in the Colombian Amazon through roads and highways. At different times, this infrastructure has been synonymous with land grabbing, racial violence, dispossession, deforestation and extraction, and decimation of traditional…

Newsletter #7 September

The Governance and Infrastructure in the Amazon Project is led by the University of Florida Tropical Conservation and Development Program and aims to create, strengthen and expand a Community of Practice and Learning (CoP-L) for exchanges of experiences and reflection on the use of tools and strategies for infrastructure governance by conservation and development practitioners…

October 9, 2020 – Trochas, trampolines y elefantes blancos: Discursos y politicas de la infraestructura en la Amazonia Colombiana

Webinario GIA con Simon Uribe: Trochas, trampolines y elefantes blancos Trochas, trampolines y elefantes blancos: discursos y políticas de la infraestructura en la Amazonia colombiana La apertura de caminos, trochas y carreteras en la Amazonia colombiana ha sido fuente de dinámicas de violencia y conflictos socioambientales. En distintos momentos, estas infraestructuras han sido sinónimos de…

Newsletter #6 August

The Governance and Infrastructure in the Amazon Project is led by the University of Florida Tropical Conservation and Development Program and aims to create, strengthen and expand a Community of Practice and Learning (CoP-L) for exchanges of experiences and reflection on the use of tools and strategies for infrastructure governance by conservation and development practitioners…

Newsletter #5 July

The Governance and Infrastructure in the Amazon Project is led by the University of Florida Tropical Conservation and Development Program and aims to create, strengthen and expand a Community of Practice and Learning (CoP-L) for exchanges of experiences and reflection on the use of tools and strategies for infrastructure governance by conservation and development practitioners…

Infographic Report on Timelines of Infrastructure and Environmental Governance

Compilation of events and processes that have occurred over time allows us to understand changes in governance of infrastructure. The GIA project supported creation of timelines in four regions of the Amazon at our 2019 workshops with conservation partners in Loreto (Peru), the Upper Madera (Bolivia-Brazil), Southern Amazonas/Northern Rondonia (Brazil), and the Colombian Amazon (Colombia).

Newsletter #4 June

The Governance and Infrastructure in the Amazon Project is led by the University of Florida Tropical Conservation and Development Program and aims to create, strengthen and expand a Community of Practice and Learning (CoP-L) for exchanges of experiences and reflection on the use of tools and strategies for infrastructure governance by conservation and development practitioners…

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May #3 Newsletter

GIA is led by the University of Florida Tropical Conservation and Development Program and aims to create, strengthen and expand a Community of Practice and Learning (CoP-L) for exchanges of experiences and reflection on the use of tools and strategies for infrastructure governance by conservation and development practitioners in the Amazon. COVID-19 and the Amazon…

Webinario Post-COVID19: Una Recuperación Verde E Inclusiva Para América Latina

Webinario Post-COVID19: una recuperación verde e inclusiva para América Latina

GIA offered the webinar Post-COVID19: a green and inclusive recovery for Latin America on May 20 to exchange ideas on how responses to the immediate public health and economic challenges could also incorporate considerations and actions on structural economic changes that re-evaluate current development models towards more just and sustainable development alternatives. Around 130 participants…