Newsletter #15 October

Since the pan-Amazon workshop in May, the UF GIA team has been working with partners in regional and thematic working groups to complete a series of products and plan next steps. In this issue of the GIA Bulletin, we launch the Final GIA Project Report: Synthesis of Lessons and Recommendations for Infrastructure Governance. We also…

Newsletter #14 July

The Governance and Infrastructure in the Amazon (GIA) Project has created regional and thematic Communities of Practice and Learning (CoP-L). The Upper Madeira CoP-L is the group that has advanced the most, in part because it builds on the previous work of the Amazon Dams Network, but also thanks to the great leadership of Marliz…

Newsletter #13 July

The Governance and Infrastructure in the Amazon (GIA) Project is led by the University of Florida’s Tropical Conservation and Development (TCD) Program and aims to create, strengthen and expand a Community of Practice and Learning (CoP-L) for exchanges of experiences and reflections on the use of tools and strategies for infrastructure governance by conservation and…

Newsletter #12 June

The Governance and Infrastructure in the Amazon (GIA) Project is led by the University of Florida’s Tropical Conservation and Development (TCD) Program and aims to create, strengthen and expand a Community of Practice and Learning (CoP-L) for exchanges of experiences and reflections on the use of tools and strategies for infrastructure governance by conservation and…

May 20, 2021 – Effectiveness of conservation strategies for infrastructure governance: a comparative analysis of case studies from 4 Amazonian countries

On May 20, 3:00 to 4:00 PM  (EST/LA PAZ) / 2:00 to 3:00 PM (LIM/BOG) / 4:00 to 5:00 PM (BRASILIA) Presentation of preliminary results of GIA’s comparative study on the effectiveness of social-environmental strategies in 4 specific cases in Colombia, Bolivia, Brazil and Peru. Critical insights about the position of the local communities, the strategies that were implemented  and their effectiveness, the influence of…

May 13, 2021 – Intercultural Collaboration Strategies – A Cross-Mosaic Discussion

On May 13, 3:00 to 4:30 PM  (EST/LA PAZ) / 2:00 to 3:30 PM (LIM/BOG) / 4:00 to 5:30 PM (BRASILIA) This research investigated 3 different types of collaborative relationships between partners of the GIA Community of Practice and Learning in the Colombian Amazon. a) The long-standing relationship between the non-governmental organization ACT and the Inga del Caquetá…

May 6, 2021 – Indigenous strategies and resistance to infrastructure projects: Cross-mosaic dialogue

On May 6, 3:00 to 4:30 PM  (EST/LA PAZ) / 2:00 to 3:30 PM (LIM/BOG) / 4:00 to 5:30 PM (BRASILIA) Indigenous co-researchers from Colombia (Killa Becerra,  Nancy Mutumbajoy y James Rafael Becerra,  leaders of Resguardo Inga Yunguillo) and Bolivia (Valentin Luna and Domingo Ocampo, leaders of Mancomunidad de Comunidades)  will share the strategies they used to face specific infrastructure projects, how effective they were, and why.  …

May 24, May 25, and May 27, 2021 – Final GIA Pan-Amazon Workshop Agenda

GIA Pan-Amazon Interactive Workshop: Experiences and reflections on strategies to improve infrastructure governance This workshop will bring together NGO, grassroot, academic and government GIA partners from the 4 GIA focal mosaics in Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia and Peru.  Afternoon sessions on Monday and Tuesday will present and discuss findings and recommendations from GIA Working Groups on…

April 30, 2021 – El Resguardo Inga de Yunguillo Frente a Proyectos de Vías: Estrategias de Resistencia y Lecciones Aprendidas

En este evento presentaremos y discutiremos resultados preliminares del estudio “Efectividad de estrategias socioambientales para la gobernanza en infraestructura” en Colombia. Este estudio se lleva a cabo en directa colaboración con co-investigadores indígenas del resguardo Inga de Yunguillo – Killa Becerra (ex-gobernadora), Nancy Mutumbajoy y James Rafael Becerra (profesores y líderes). Con ellas como las…