GIA Pan-Amazon Workshop: Experiences and reflections on strategies to improve infrastructure governance

Over the past month GIA working groups have been sharing results through virtual discussions: Case studies of indigenous resistance strategies to roads and dams in Colombia and Bolivia: Strategies for collaboration among NGOs, grassroots organizations and academia; Communication strategies for social mobilization and political impact. Our upcoming workshop will bring these threads together by discussing…

COVID-19 Impact on Socioenvironmental Governance

Do you have any sense of how the pandemic is affecting conservation threats such as land grabbing, deforestation and fires in the Amazon region of your countries? Are threats increasing? Decreasing? Why? There seems to be a disturbing synergism between COVID-19 and (dis)governance and this is consistent across Amazonian countries. COVID-19 is weakening already weak…

Bate-papo GIA Brasil: Comunicação e conscientização para mobilização social e incidência política na Amazônia

Relatório Expedito   Bate-papo GIA Brasil: Comunicação e conscientização para mobilização social e incidência política na Amazônia.    ÍNDICE INTRODUÇÃO        1 PARTICIPANTES       2 AGENDA E APRESENTAÇÕES       3 RODADE DE CONVERSA       5 REFLEXÃO –CHUVA DE IDÉIAS       9 PRÓXIMAS ATIVIDADES GIA      …

Newsletter #10 March

GIA partners are implementing a wide range of tools and strategies to promote good governance of infrastructure projects in the Amazon. Our aim for the coming months is to support partners’ work on priority strategies, document promising experiences, and learn broader lessons that can be applied in future work. We have created an interactive discussion…