Voices from the Forest: Local action for human well-being and Earth’s protection

Indigenous lands and traditional communities cover 25% of the Amazon Basin. Effective protection of these lands, as a complement to the additional 25% that have been designated as conservation areas are widely recognized as essential to meeting the interlocking challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and socioenvironmental justice (e.g. Science Panel for the Amazon Chapter…

VOICES FROM THE FOREST: Community-driven strategies and actions for biocultural conservation

On February 22 and 24, 2022, the Center for Latin American Studies and the Tropical Conservation Development Program facilitated a virtual conference “VOICES FROM THE FOREST: Community-driven strategies and actions for biocultural conservation.” The event brought together 27 Indigenous and grassroots voices as presenters and collaborators from Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Paraguay, to present…

February 22 and 24 Event – Voices From The Forest: Community-driven strategies and actions for biocultural conservation

On February 22 and February 24, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm (EST/Bogota/Quito) / 2:00 pm to 5:00 pm (La Paz/Manaus) / 3:00 to 6:00 pm (Asuncion/Brasilia). The event will be online and consist of panels and discussions in Spanish and Portuguese and will be live-streamed on Youtube with simultaneous translation to English on Zoom. February…