Newsletter #5 July

The Governance and Infrastructure in the Amazon Project is led by the University of Florida Tropical Conservation and Development Program and aims to create, strengthen and expand a Community of Practice and Learning (CoP-L) for exchanges of experiences and reflection on the use of tools and strategies for infrastructure governance by conservation and development practitioners…

Newsletter #4 June

The Governance and Infrastructure in the Amazon Project is led by the University of Florida Tropical Conservation and Development Program and aims to create, strengthen and expand a Community of Practice and Learning (CoP-L) for exchanges of experiences and reflection on the use of tools and strategies for infrastructure governance by conservation and development practitioners…

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May #3 Newsletter

GIA is led by the University of Florida Tropical Conservation and Development Program and aims to create, strengthen and expand a Community of Practice and Learning (CoP-L) for exchanges of experiences and reflection on the use of tools and strategies for infrastructure governance by conservation and development practitioners in the Amazon. COVID-19 and the Amazon…

Webinario Post-COVID19: Una Recuperación Verde E Inclusiva Para América Latina

Webinario Post-COVID19: una recuperación verde e inclusiva para América Latina

GIA offered the webinar Post-COVID19: a green and inclusive recovery for Latin America on May 20 to exchange ideas on how responses to the immediate public health and economic challenges could also incorporate considerations and actions on structural economic changes that re-evaluate current development models towards more just and sustainable development alternatives. Around 130 participants…

webinar GIA rondônia

Reunión del CoP-L del Mosaico de Loreto, Peru

El 21 de Abril 2020, representantes de academia, ONGs, practicantes de conservación y representantes del gobierno regional, quienes participaron en el webinario del Mosaico Loreto: “Resumen del Primer Año: Oportunidad para Reflexión”. El webinario presentó los resultados del Proyecto Gobernanza e infraestructura en Amazonía (GIA) para el Mosaico Loreto. En este webinario se presentaron los…

27 de Abril #Boletim Informativo

*|MC:SUBJECT|* *|MC_PREVIEW_TEXT|* Mantenha-se atualizado(a) sobre o Projeto GIA Boletim Informativo GIA Convidamos você a se manter informado(a) sobre a rede do projeto Governança e Infraestrutura da Amazônia (GIA) por meio deste boletim informativo. O GIA é liderado pelo Programa de Conservação e Desenvolvimento Tropical da Universidade da Flórida e é uma iniciativa que visa criar, fortalecer…

April #2 Newsletter

GIA Project NewsletterWe invite you to get informed about the Governance and Infrastructure in the Amazon (GIA) network through this newsletter. GIA is led by the University of Florida Tropical Conservation and Development Program and aims to create, strengthen and expand a Community of Practice and Learning (CoP-L) for exchanges of experiences and reflection on…

Tropilunch By GIA Working Group

Tropilunch by GIA Working Group

“Governance and Infrastructure in the Amazon Project: Connecting with Partners and First Year Products” by UF GIA Working Group, Tropical Conservation and Development Program, Center for Latin American Studies. Tropilunch is a weekly seminar series of the Tropical Conservation and Development Program in University of Florida’s Center for Latin American Studies. The seminar series is…