On May 13, 3:00 to 4:30 PM (EST/LA PAZ) / 2:00 to 3:30 PM (LIM/BOG) / 4:00 to 5:30 PM (BRASILIA)
This research investigated 3 different types of collaborative relationships between partners of the GIA Community of Practice and Learning in the Colombian Amazon. a) The long-standing relationship between the non-governmental organization ACT and the Inga del Caquetá Indigenous People; b) The relationship of various NGOs with local communities, and c) The relationship among Colombian citizens in a collective to monitor the investment of public resources. The event will present findings on key aspects to achieve effective collaborative relationships for conservation objectives from the indigenous vision, officials of various NGOs, and participants in the citizen oversight collective.
This event will be held in Spanish, with Portuguese translation available.
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