On May 6, 3:00 to 4:30 PM (EST/LA PAZ) / 2:00 to 3:30 PM (LIM/BOG) / 4:00 to 5:30 PM (BRASILIA)
Indigenous co-researchers from Colombia (Killa Becerra, Nancy Mutumbajoy y James Rafael Becerra, leaders of Resguardo Inga Yunguillo) and Bolivia (Valentin Luna and Domingo Ocampo, leaders of Mancomunidad de Comunidades) will share the strategies they used to face specific infrastructure projects, how effective they were, and why. These cases are part of a comparative analysis on contextual factors, power dynamics, synergies among strategies, political mobilization and alliances that also includes cases from Brazil and Peru (see May 20 event).
This event will be held in Spanish, with Portuguese translation available.
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