Comunicación y sensibilización
Estrategias comunicativas sobre temas como los costos y beneficios de la infraestructura y las perspectivas de las comunidades afectadas. Promoción y negociación, como participación activa con empresas constructoras. Movilización política como el uso de protestas en línea y/o en la calle.

Los resultados de nuestras actividades y análisis han sido resumidos en dos productos interactivos. Acceda a los productos finales aquí.

Communication And Awareness Raising
Communication strategies on topics such as the costs and benefits of infrastructure, and the perspectives of affected communities. Advocacy and negotiation, such as engagement with construction companies. Political mobilization such as online and/or in-street protest.

The results of our activities and analyzes have been summarized in two interactive products. Access the final products here.

Comunicação e Conscientização
Estratégias de comunicação sobre tópicos como custos e benefícios da infraestrutura e as perspectivas das comunidades afetadas. Advocacy e negociação, como engajamento com construtoras. Mobilização política, como protestos online e / ou nas ruas.

Os resultados de nossas atividades e análises foram resumidos em dois produtos interativos. Acesse os produtos finais aqui.

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Claudia Romero
Claudia Romero
3 years ago

Hola a Todos!

Natalia Vidalon de la Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental – SPDA ha compartido los resultados de cuatro talleres que tuvimos en la Sociedad Peruana de Derecho Ambiental (SPDA) con comunicadores indígenas en Madre de Dios: 

Robert Buschbacher
Robert Buschbacher
3 years ago

En la discusion del grupo de comunicadores de Brasil, fue comentado la importancia de comunicar con el publico Evangélico. Aquí tenemos una experiencia relevante de los Estados Unidos de una cientista evangélica….

Robert Buschbacher
Robert Buschbacher
Reply to  Robert Buschbacher
3 years ago

La cientista evangélica se llama Dr. Katharine Hayhoe. Aqui hay un TED Talk de ella explicando como hablar de cambio climático con personas que talvez tienen una resistencia ideológica (o religiosa)

Aqui una entrevista sobre el desafio de llevar la discusión sobre cambio climático para la comunidad evangélico

Aqui su website

Felipe Gutierrez
Felipe Gutierrez
3 years ago

Here is a fresh example of an interesting NGO/international journalism partnership and mobilization for fighting land grabbing in the Brazilian Amazon, as we discussed during our last roundtable event.

Investigación de la BBC: cómo se venden ilegalmente terrenos de la selva amazónica en Brasil a través de Facebook.

Claudia Romero
Claudia Romero
Reply to  Felipe Gutierrez
3 years ago

Thanks Felipe! Apparently an investigation has already begun on this Facebook issue. Please see below:

This type of alliances as you mention are important to raise visibility to critical issues in chaotic times.

Felipe Gutierrez
Felipe Gutierrez
Reply to  Claudia Romero
3 years ago

Yes, thanks for the information, Claudia. This strategy has reached several national and international newspapers, and the “Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Luís Roberto Barroso has asked the country’s attorney general and Ministry of Justice to investigate the BBC’s findings.”  

Felipe Gutierrez
Felipe Gutierrez
3 years ago

On February 26th, our Communication for Social Mobilization & Political Impact Group held a roundtable discussion with our Brazilian partners working on GIA’s Southern Amazonas – Northern Rondônia focal mosaic.  
Six amazing institutions (COIAB, IEB, KANINDÉ, IDESAM, OPAN and WWF) joined our “bate-papo” on “Communication and Awareness for Social Mobilization and Political Incidence in the Amazon.”
This initial dialogue allowed participants to reflect on their experiences (challenges and opportunities) and share a great pool of innovative tools and strategies to advance this important agenda. Here are some examples:
-Combine forces through cross-scalar networks and partnerships, such as the BR-319 Highway Observatory or Rede Juruena Vivo;
-Offer training and work together with citizen communicators (like indigenous leaders and youth), and influencers through social media campaigns;         
-Collaborate with national and international journalists and news agencies, as well as public prosecutors and other law enforcement agencies; and by
-Taking advantage of technology by developing and using podcasts and smartphone apps, among others.
Our discussion also focused on the effectiveness of communication strategies moving beyond awareness raising, and how to monitor their actions and progress.   
Recommendations included the necessity to speak to diverse audiences and understand diverse biases, experiences, shaped values and worldviews.   
Some questions for our community of practice and learning discussion:
So how do we reach diverse audiences for social mobilization and political incidence in the Amazon? What tools do we have? What is working and what is not? How to move forward. We’d love to hear your thoughts.